Updated 4 months ago

How do I enter the credit information for my music (writers, composers, producers, etc)?

The “Credits” section on the digital platforms is essential to your release.  It works as your album’s technical sheet. In it, each one of the parties involved with the release must be properly credited: producer, remixer, featuring artists, etc.

When you’re registering your album on our platform, you’ll be able to add contributors on the album level as well as on the track level. 

Contributors are: 

  • Performers
  • Producers
  • Featuring Artists 
  • Remixers

According to new platforms’ guidelines, registering the composers’ full name (with no abbreviations) is now mandatory. This registration must be done during your album’s registration process. When registering your track on our platform, click on the “Add Composer” button and enter the composer’s name.

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