Get paid

Get Paid

Get paid for every stream, download, and fan engagement. Keep track of it all with our state-of-the-art accounting tools.

Keep 100% of Your Royalties

Earn 100% of what your songs generate from streaming platforms like Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer, and more.

Note: The exceptions are YouTube, Tik Tok and Meta, of which you will receive 80%

Payments and Monthly Reports

Withdraw your earnings and generate monthly reports 

Downloadable Monthly Statements

Download monthly statements that show all income per platform, withdrawals, and your monthly balance.

Account Activity

Quickly view your OFFstep account activity at a glance. View and search all your income and withdrawals by platform and date.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Share royalties with collaborators, bandmates, and co-writers. Assign different percentages of your income from tracks, albums, or your entire account, to be shared with as many collaborators as you need. All the tedious work of manual payments and tracking your revenue is gone. Royalty Shares will take care of it for you, and you can view and download your reports anytime.

Available on our Intermediate Plan.

Custom Reports

Generate and export comprehensive reports showing your music’s performance and revenue. Customize the reports by product, territories, stores, period, or release date, and obtain data from your royalty share ins and share outs. Export your report as an excel file to further analyze your data.

Available on our Advanced Plan.

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